Gordon Ramsay is well known for his fiery temper, strict criticism, and his delicious food displayed on various cooking shows.

The chef, who is originally from Scotland owns more than 30 restaurants all over the globe and has 7 Michelin Stars.

Millions of people watch Gordon Ramsay’s shows for his programs including Hell’s Kitchen, Master Chef, and Kitchen Nightmares.

However, he has recently garnered attention thanks to a supposed hair restoration procedure.

But which method did he choose? and where did his procedure take place.

Let’s find out!

  1. Did he have a hair transplant?
  2. Which method was used?
  3. Before and After
  4. Did he have other surgeries?
  5. Can you get the same treatment?

Gordon Ramsay hair loss

Constantly being in the public eye, planning TV shows, and running his business empire comes with a lot of headaches.

This has seemingly taken a toll on his hairline too.

The high stress that comes with spending the majority of his life shouting out orders and ensuring he meets the highest international standards likely caused his hairline’s demise.

Regardless of one’s wealth or status, losing hair and noticing the marks of old age can have a big impact on their self-esteem.

For someone as outspoken and confident as Ramsey is, having a strong appearance is a big part of his allure.

So it’s understandable that the famous chef has opted for a hair transplant surgery to restore his former looks.

Did he have a hair transplant?

The rumours about Gordon Ramsay’s hair transplant started around 2011.

The chef was seen leaving a hair transplant clinic in Beverly Hills with bandages on his head.

There was something off about Gordon Ramsay’s hairline as he was seen with a swollen face while hanging out with David Beckham.

This was most likely a bad reaction from his heavy hair transplant.

Many patients experience swelling after the surgery, which can work itself from the head to the bottom of the cheeks.

Just three years later in 2014, rumours of a second hair transplant emerged as he was spotted with a brand new hairstyle at Victoria Beckham’s 40th birthday party in London.

His hair appeared to be crushed over his forehead with an undercut.

Many people assumed that he did this in order to prepare his donor area for the surgery.

Gordon Ramsay’s hair loss was resolved with not one, but at least two procedures.

As male pattern baldness progresses you may continue to lose hair and experience baldness.

While the transplanted hair will stay on the scalp permanently the original hair around the implants may continue to shed.

This can lead to a patchy look as bald spots form around the implanted hair.

In these cases, additional surgery is needed to keep up with the hair loss.

gordon ramsay new hair

Which method was used for the Gordon Ramsay hair transplant?

Gordon Ramsay hair implant was done using the FUE technique.

FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is the most advanced way of transplanting hair.

The technique is widely popular among both patients and surgeons alike due to the various benefits it offers over the traditional strip method.

During an FUE hair transplant, the surgeon extracts individual hair follicles from the back and sides of the head.

These follicles are then implanted into the areas affected by baldness to achieve natural-looking, seamless results.

Gordon Ramsay before and after hair transplant

It may have taken nearly 4 years, and two surgeries but Gordon Ramsay hair plugs certainly achieved excellent results in the end.

Gordon Ramsay before hair transplant and after the procedure

How much did his hair transplant cost?

According to media reports Gordon Ramsay’s balding cost the chef around £30,000.

This is how much it took to regain his full head of hair. Another well-known Englishman, Wayne Rooney is said to have paid a similar amount for his procedure back in 2011.

To put this into perspective, this is the median household income in the UK. However, it’s important to note that this isn’t the usual price of a hair transplant.

The fee that Gordon Ramsay paid is outrageously high.

Sadly, his first procedure didn’t seem to achieve the visible improvement he was looking for. Gordon Ramsay is said to have opted for a second hair transplant surgery.

But it might just be that Gordon Ramsay’s natural hair kept on thinning and he felt like needed another intervention to keep up with the hair loss.

While we don’t have any concrete evidence about the cost of his second hair transplant we can estimate the price based on his first one.

So if he actually paid £30,000 for his first hair transplant, it’s safe to assume that he coughed up another £30,000 for his second one.

So Gordon Ramsay may have paid £60,000 in total for his hair transplants.

Did he have other cosmetic surgeries?

Gordon Ramsay whitened his teeth

When it comes to the celebrity world, cosmetic surgeries are a bit like tattoos. You can’t just get one.

In fact, most celebrities tend to develop an obsession with plastic surgery in an effort to combat old age.

Just like other celebrities, Gordon Ramsay also fell victim to vanity.

The star reportedly underwent teeth whitening and botox treatment on the recommendation of Simon Cowell.

Gordon Ramsay is constantly in the limelight, so it’s understandable that he’s fighting tooth and nail to maintain his youthful appearance.

Can you have the same procedure?

You don’t have to be a famous chef to undergo a hair transplant procedure.

Hair transplantation is more accessible and affordable than ever.

The latest FUE2 Safe System achieves natural-looking results with incredible precision and high success rates.

But it’s always imperative to consult with a doctor first to determine if you’re eligible for the procedure.

If you’ve finally decided to take the first step in regaining your full head of hair, a consultation is a perfect opportunity for you to explore your options.

HairPalace offers in-depth patient consultations free of charge.

Meet our experts, ask questions, and discover how the treatment works so you can make an informed decision. 

Book your HairPalace consultation now!

Other celebrity hair loss stories

Gordon Ramsay hair is a stunning example of the result modern hair restoration techniques can achieve.

But he is not the only celebrity who had the procedure done.

Check out other celebrity hair transplants: