Matt Lucas is an English comedian, actor, and writer who is best known for his work on the British comedy show Little Britain.

If you’re a fan of Matt Lucas you may have noticed something peculiar about the comedian, namely that he has absolutely no hair.

This is due to an autoimmune disorder called alopecia universalis (or alopecia areata universalis) which results in diffuse hair loss.

But what causes this mysterious condition and how long has Matt Lucas been battling with it?

Let’s find out!

  1. Who is Matt Lucas?
  2. What is alopecia areata
  3. Matt Lucas hair loss journey
  4. Is there a cure?
  5. How did he deal with his hair loss?

Who is Matt Lucas?

Matt Lucas is a British comedian, actor, writer, and producer.

He is best known for his roles in the British comedy series Little Britain and its American spin-off Come Fly with Me.

He is also well known for his work with the BBC sketch show Little Britain.

Lucas has also been seen in a number of films and television shows, including Bridesmaids, Alice in Wonderland, and Doctor Who.

He has also provided voice work for animated films such as Despicable Me and the Paddington films.

Lucas has been the recipient of numerous awards and nominations for his work over the years, including a BAFTA Television Award, an International Emmy Award, and a British Comedy Award.

He is also an active LGBT rights advocate, having been appointed an MBE in 2008 for his services to the performing arts and charity.

He continues to be a popular figure in the world of comedy and entertainment, with his work being enjoyed by millions around the world.

What is alopecia areata?

matt lucas alopecia is due to a condition called alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss on the scalp, face, and sometimes other areas of the body.

It is thought to be caused by an overactive immune system that mistakenly attacks its own hair follicles.

It can affect men, women, and children of any age, race, or ethnicity.

The most common symptom is patchy hair loss, but it can also cause complete baldness.

The latter is referred to as alopecia totalis, while this condition can be scary, it is also extremely rare.

Hair may re-grow, but the condition can recur.

There are various treatments for diffuse alopecia areata. This includes corticosteroids, anthralin, minoxidil and oral immunosuppressants.

This may include topical or injected corticosteroids, minoxidil, or other medications. In some cases, laser devices and light therapy may be used.

Wigs, hats, and scarves can also be used to cover up bald patches.

When did Matt Lucas first show symptoms of alopecia areata?

Matt Lucas health problems started in his childhood, the star of the Great British Bake had eczema, asthma and hay fever.

This limited him quite extensively, but Matt Lucas’s illness never affected his spirit.

He recalls being a jolly kid who constantly stared at others playing football while he acted as a commentator on the sidelines.

However, at the age of four an emotional moment would completely reshape the life of this little boy.

While on vacation with his family in Portugal, Matt got separated from his family and became the victim of an accident.

Matt recalls the events “Eventually, I spotted them, on the other side, waving anxiously at me.

I stepped off the kerb, into the road, and was knocked down by a car. A small crowd gathered.

My distraught father ran over, picked me up off the ground, swore at the driver, kicked the car and carried me off.”

Matt survived the accident without needing any medical help, but the trauma caused by the crash would cause something much direr in the following weeks.

“Two years later, in 1980, at the age of six, I woke up one morning to find several hairs on my pillow.

The next day the same thing happened, only this time there were a lot more. By the end of that summer, all my hair had fallen out.”

Most doctors that Matt’s family visited concluded that this shock loss was a delayed response to being knocked down by that car.

They tried many conventional medicinal treatments on young Matt Lucas, but he would never regain his full head of hair again.

Being at such a young age meant that Matt was the constant subject of harassment from both older and younger kids.

Those who previously called him Matthey, now referred to him as baldie or a skinhead.

One kid even told him that he was dying from leukaemia. Children stared, pointed and laughed at him.

Years later, when Matt learned to accept the fact that he was bald he met another doctor.

Once the doctor found out that the balding comedian was suffering from asthma, eczema and hay fever all at the same time he had a revelation.

It turns out that the hair loss has nothing to do with the accident, and everything to do with an overactive immune system.

Is there a cure for alopecia areata?

Alopecia areata is a chronic, autoimmune condition that results in hair loss in patches on the scalp or elsewhere on the body.

While there is sadly no cure for the condition, the symptoms can be managed with certain treatments.

Treatment for alopecia areata is typically aimed at managing symptoms and preventing hair loss from progressing.

Depending on the severity of the condition and the individual’s response to treatment, there are a variety of options available.

One of the most common treatments for alopecia areata is the use of topical corticosteroids.

These medications are applied directly to the affected areas and can help reduce inflammation and encourage the regrowth of hair.

Other medications that may be used include minoxidil and anthralin.

Additionally, photochemotherapy, which involves the use of ultraviolet light and a photosensitizing drug, may be used in some cases.

Additionally, scalp massages, acupuncture, and stress management techniques may be recommended to help manage symptoms.

While there’s no specific cure, in some cases condition may resolve on its own with hair growth returning shortly thereafter.

How did he deal with his alopecia?

The author of Little Me and star of Shooting Stars has learned to live with his condition.

Though this MAtt Lucas hair loss type is rare, he is not the only celebrity dealing with a form of alopecia areata.

Jada Pinkett Smith, wife of the famous Will Smith is also a victim of this condition.

You may remember her from GI Jane or that faithful Oscar ceremony.

Jada’s husband infamously slapped Chris Rock after an insensitive joke, Will reacted emotionally and simply walked up to the comedian to dish out a slap.

When it comes to Matt though, he tends to resolve bullying with jokey responses or by simply laughing things off. In his words

“My childhood was tough, yes. No one wants to feel eternally self-conscious, constantly stared at, teased, mocked and bullied. But also it’s important to get things into perspective.”

“Being bald has helped me in my career. Would I have had my big break as a baby in Shooting Stars if I had had a full head of hair?”

“My baldness has made me distinctive, yet also allowed me to transform myself. Stick a wig on and I’m someone else.”

He has described it as “a very strange thing to live with”, and acknowledges that it can be difficult to talk about.

Lucas has been praised for his openness and willingness to talk about his experience with alopecia.

He has shared his story in the hopes of helping other people who may be struggling with the same condition.

Lucas is an inspiration to many people who suffer from alopecia areata and other autoimmune disorders.

His openness and willingness to share his story have helped to raise awareness and reduce the stigma associated with hair loss.

He has shown that it is possible to live a full and happy life despite the challenges that come with alopecia areata.

Other celebrity hair loss journeys

Though Matt’s condition is relatively rare, he is not the only celebrity to struggle with hair loss.

Check out more stories and find out how the biggest stars cope with thinning hair:


Is Matt Lucas albino?

No, Matt Lucas is not albino. Matt Lucas, has alopecia universalis, a condition that causes complete hair loss all over the body. Matt Lucas eyebrows, scalp hair and even his body hair were affected by the condition. Alopecia and albinism are different conditions. Albinism is a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes. Alopecia, on the other hand, relates specifically to hair loss.

What is Matt Lucas doing now?

After three long seasons, Matt Lucas decided to leave The Great British Baking Show. It all came down to scheduling issues, as the comedian wanted to devote more time to his new show Fantasy Football League.

Does Matt Lucas have cancer?

No, the comedian doesn’t suffer from any form of cancer. His hair loss is caused by a condition called alopecia universalis. While this has a similar hair loss effect as cancer treatment the two conditions are completely unrelated.

Why is Matt Lucas bald?

Matt Lucas is bald because he has a condition called alopecia universalis. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles, leading to complete hair loss on the scalp and elsewhere on the body. Lucas has been open about his condition and has often incorporated his baldness into his comedic characters and routines. He began losing his hair when he was just six years old.