1. A successful hair transplant relies on existing hair
  2. Cutting-edge FUE hair transplant surgery leaves no visible scars
  3. The results are permanent
  4. Low-cost, high-quality hair transplants DO exist
  5. Your implanted hairs will fall out (but this is normal)

Planning to undergo hair transplant surgery? This is a big commitment for any man. You’re sure to have questions about everything from the average recovery time to common side effects of a hair transplant — and we’re here to answer them. Join us as we explore the most important things you need to know before your hair transplant surgery.

1. A Successful Hair Transplant Relies on Existing Hair

You need hair to undergo an effective transplant.

Specifically, on the back and sides of your head. These areas are unaffected by conventional hair loss (such as male pattern baldness) and make ideal donor zones, from which your surgeon can harvest healthy follicle units.

All hairs are extracted from the scalp in a scattered pattern. This keeps your existing hair growth consistent and reduces the visibility of your procedure.

Surgeons use hair from your own scalp to ensure new ones blend with the surrounding strands. This creates natural results and maximises discretion.

2. Cutting-edge FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Leaves No Visible Scars

Scarring may be one of your biggest concerns, especially if you plan on keeping your procedure discreet. But the latest technology can help you avoid such obvious side effects of a hair transplant.

A state-of-the-art FUE transplant leaves no visible scars on your scalp. This is a minimally invasive procedure, unlike the more outdated FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) method.

FUT involves cutting a strip of flesh from the back of the scalp and dissecting it to harvest donor follicles.

The patient is left with a large scar and may rely on longer hair or a hat to keep it covered. This limits your choice of hairstyles in the future, particularly if you favour shorter cuts.

But the FUE2 SafeSystem method gives you the freedom to wear any hairstyle you like. Crew cut, faux hawk, undercut, side-part, unkempt surfer style — the choice is yours.

You can find some hair transplant before and after pictures in our hair transplant news/blog section. These reveal just how much flexibility patients enjoy following treatment.

3. The Results are Permanent

A hair transplant isn’t a temporary fix: your restored growth will be permanent.

An effective transplant leaves your hair strong and healthy for the rest of your life. You can play sports, have haircuts, wear hats, take showers — anything and everything you could do before you started to lose your hair.

However, there are a couple of points to consider.

Anyone affected by male pattern baldness or another condition causing hair loss is advised to wait until the process has run its course.

Otherwise, you could end up needing further treatments to restore freshly shed hairs in the future.

Another potential issue is failed donor follicles. There’s a very slight possibility certain implanted hairs may not grow back, which is why we created the HairPalace guarantee.

80% of your implanted hairs will start to grow within one year of your transplant or we’ll replace them.

And we’ll do that free of charge.

4. Low-cost, High-quality Hair Transplants DO Exist

We’ve all heard horror stories of people suffering botched surgeries abroad, including hair transplants.

Sadly, some men fly to far-flung countries for cheap hair transplants but return without the results they hoped for.

And that’s a shame. Especially when they’re on a tight budget and have spent years saving for their treatment.

So many low-cost hair transplants are performed in countries lacking effective regulations. Hair clinics may be dirty and ridden with bacteria, posing a real risk to patients’ health.

Their staff might use outdated tools and equipment without disinfecting them properly too.

Furthermore, language barriers might prevent the staff and patient from understanding each other. This worsens an already uncomfortable experience.

Our hair transplants are performed by trained, experienced surgeons in Budapest. They earn lower salaries compared to their British counterparts, which allows us to maintain competitive prices on our procedures.

As a result, men on diverse budgets can afford to restore their hair and save up to 50% on average UK rates.

Our clinic is clean, comfortable, and equipped with cutting-edge facilities. You’ll be in the best hands.

Check if you are a good candidate for an FUE hair transplant!
Get a FREE hair analysis!

5. Your Implanted Hairs Will Fall Out (But This is Normal)

The growth process following your hair transplant typically spans 12 – 18 months.

Your hair will undergo changes and some hair transplant side effects will occur — including further loss. But don’t panic: this is absolutely normal.

Why does this happen? Because your scalp is making way for fresh hair growth. Your implanted hairs tend to shed around two or three weeks after the procedure.

But again: DO NOT PANIC. It’s just one part of what can feel like a long (but rejuvenating) process.

Your implanted hairs should begin to grow back between 3 and 6 months after your treatment. New strands may take months to develop, but the wait will be worthwhile.

Other hair transplant side effects include crusts forming on the scalp, but you can remove these by massaging the implant area gently.

Browse our hair transplant before and after pictures to see the amazing effects of cutting-edge surgery once the growth process is complete.

You can find helpful hair transplant news in our blog too, an ideal resource to prepare you for surgery.

Preparing for Your Procedure

Want to learn more about hair transplant surgery? HairPalace’s team is committed to delivering the highest standard of patient care and support.

You’ll receive courteous service from the moment you contact us.

We offer a free hair transplant consultation and a quote. You’ll meet one of our doctors and discover what our treatment can do for you.

During your consultation, our doctor will inspect the donor and target areas in detail, for a deep insight into the work required.

He or she will answer any questions and offer transparent information on your procedure.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us now on +44 20 71 31 02 29 to book your consultation.